Binoy Patel

Binoy Patel

Sr. Software Engineer

Arriving at Nearform in March 2021, Binoy joins the team as a senior software engineer. His resume also includes roles held at The Knot Worldwide and ADP. Binoy is a full-stack JavaScript expert who specializes in Node.js. He’s been featured as a guest on React Native Radio, spoken at tech meetups, and has blogged and published teaching videos. An open source contributor to react-native-element, Binoy enjoys building great user experiences using code as a tool. He’s also a fan of whisky and well-scripted video games.

What is Prisma and Why Do We Need Another ORM?

June 9, 2021
Prisma is a next-generation object–relational mapper (ORM) that claims to help developers build faster and make fewer errors. But how does it work?